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Change log entry 71608
Processed by: richwarm (2021-02-20 00:52:10 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65061 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
ABC and Pleco say 鹁鸪 is a wood pigeon (Columba palumbus).
LAC, GF and XHDC say it is the same as 鹁鸠 (Streptopelia turtur -- European turtle dove (BDBK), more likely Streptopelia orientalis -- oriental turtle dove; which according to WP has the Chinese common names: 山斑鸠 (entry title), 山鸠, 金背鸠, 金背斑鸠, 麒麟斑, 麒麟鸠, 雉鸠, 棕背斑鸠, 东方斑鸠, 绿斑鸠, 山鸽子, 花翼, 大花鸽 and 大花斑, and to BDBK: 山斑鸠 (entry title), 斑鸠, 金背斑鸠, 麒麟鸠, 雉鸠, 麒麟斑 and 花翼)
LAC, MoE, GF and BDBK say it is the same as 水鹁鸪 -- only defined in LAC with the same definition as 鹁鸪.
MoE says it is the same as 勃姑 and 祝鸠. The first is likely just a different spelling, and neither is in any dictionary, including MoE itself.
BDBK says it is the same as 斑鸠 -- the Streptopelia genus (WP and BDBK) (CEDICT: turtledove). Several but not all species in the genus are called turtle doves.

* I think we can ignore the English definition "wood pigeon" since it is a different species and genus of anything I can find in Chinese.
* My best guess is that 鹁鸪, 鹁鸠 and 水鹁鸪 can be used for any bird of the Streptopelia genus, although it is more likely to refer to the oriental turtle dove (Streptopelia orientalis), likely simply called turtle dove in a Chinese context.
* I also suggest changing the 斑鸠 definition, most sources agree it isn't one specific species.

n. 〈zoo.〉 wood pigeon



| 宋.陆游〈小园〉诗:「村南村北鹁鸪声,水刺新秧漫漫平。」

名 鸟, 羽毛灰色, 天将下雨或刚晴时, 常在树上咕咕地叫。




A little bit of everything -bluebacks, hornchicks, paddychicks, pigeons . . ." (Lyell)
There are all kinds: wild pheasants, woodcocks, woodpigeons, bluebacks....” (Yangs)
# I've caught all sorts: wild pheasants, woodcock, wood pigeons, bluebacks ...” (Lovell)

我们认为童话是儿童文学中最富有幻想的一种形式,它的题材范围应该是十分广阔的,只要有实际生活的基础,有新时代的思想感情,古人、动物和工、农、兵,是可以写入童话的。这里我们选了三篇:《鹁鸪》是从民谚“夜里想起千条路,日里变成懒鹁鸪 ”发展出来的故事,讽刺只想不做,得过且过的懒汉。

羿的心不觉跳了一跳,赶紧勒住马。“阿呀!鸡么?我只道是一只鹁鸪 。”他惶恐地说。

时候,竹里鹁鸪相对鸣和,不紧不慢,一声一声,伴和着暮春将尽时的江南细雨。小时候,我就爱听鹁鸪 的叫声。我问爸爸,鹁鸪叫唤个什么?在田里拿着锄忙着活儿的爸说,它在叫“盖盖——草屋”。我侧耳细听,那倒是确实的。

> "I also suggest changing the 斑鸠 definition, most sources agree it isn't one specific species."
But neither is "turtledove".
# 鵓鴣 鹁鸪 [bo2 gu1] /genus Streptopelia/turtle dove/oriental turtle dove (Streptopelia orientalis)/
# 鵓鳩 鹁鸠 [bo2 jiu1] /genus Streptopelia/turtle dove/oriental turtle dove (Streptopelia orientalis)/
# 水鵓鴣 水鹁鸪 [shui3 bo2 gu1] /genus Streptopelia/turtle dove/oriental turtle dove (Streptopelia orientalis)/
+ 鵓鴣 鹁鸪 [bo2 gu1] /turtle dove or similar bird/oriental turtle dove (Streptopelia orientalis)/
+ 鵓鳩 鹁鸠 [bo2 jiu1] /turtle dove or similar bird/oriental turtle dove (Streptopelia orientalis)/
+ 水鵓鴣 水鹁鸪 [shui3 bo2 gu1] /turtle dove or similar bird/oriental turtle dove (Streptopelia orientalis)/
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