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Change log entry 71542
Processed by: richwarm (2021-02-15 06:43:43 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 66657 - submitted by 'vermillon' >>
on Baidu: 说明有钱或者bai有势力,想想孙悟空拔下一根汗du毛就可以变化成另外zhi一个自己,多厉害dao。 身上汗毛那么多,随随便便把一根下来就比别人腰粗,由此可见双方实力的差距有多大。
This is awkward to render, and usually takes the shape 拔X的根汗毛比Y的要粗.
In none of my dicts (I'm going through 500P), but plenty of evidence for it online.

Editor: Wrong character for waist.
要 → 腰
# 拔根汗毛比要粗 拔根汗毛比要粗 [ba2 gen1 han4 mao2 bi3 yao1 cu1] /a hair pulled (from person A) is thicker than (person B's) waist (idiom)/fig. one person is significantly richer than another/
+ 拔根汗毛比腰粗 拔根汗毛比腰粗 [ba2 gen1 han4 mao2 bi3 yao1 cu1] /lit. a hair plucked from (person A) would be thicker than (person B)'s waist (idiom)/fig. A is far richer (or more powerful) than B/(used in a pattern such as A拔根汗毛比B的腰粗[A ba2 gen1 han4 mao2 bi3 B de5 yao1 cu1])/
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