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Change log entry 71534
Processed by: richwarm (2021-02-15 01:57:39 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 66159 - submitted by 'vermillon' >>
From 500P, none of my Pleco dict has it. Google suggests that the second part of the idiom accepts a lot of variations (你還喘上了 etc), I'm only listing theirs here.
The second gloss is verbatim from 500P, but isn't an idiom I'm familiar with.

The idea is that after being complimented, someone fails to be humble and instead adds self-praise on top. The initial praiser then makes this remark, to signify to the person praised that they've failed to be humble.

A: 你这个娱乐记者一定采访过很多大明星吧?
B: 当然啦,像成龙啊,周润发啊经常请我喝茶。
A: 说你胖你就喘上了,你一个狗仔队,人家见到你不骂你就算你幸运了。
A: As an entertainment reporter, you must have interviewed a lot of movie stars, right?
B: Of course! Like, Jackie Chan and Chow Yun-fat often invite me for tea.
A: Flattery, like perfume, should be smelled, not swallowed. You paparazzi, you should consider yourself lucky if they see you and don’t berate you.

A: 你们的产品最近好像很畅销。
B: 是啊。我们已经占领了本省市场,下一步是全国市场,再下一步是
A: 好家伙,说你胖你就喘。什么时候超过火星上的对手啊?
A: It seems like your products have been selling well recently.
B: Yeah. We’ve already captured the market in this province; next we’ll capture the national market, then the world market. We are prepared to overtake our English rivals in three years, and our American rivals within five years.
A: Wow. Flattery, like perfume, should be smelled, not swallowed, buddy. When are you going to overtake your competitors on Mars?

男孩: 是啊,哈哈,花了5千块钱
男孩:那是,哈哈。。我本想买6千 的, 那 部太难看了。。

Friend: 桌子上摆着的是谁的照片?
Man: 是我父母年轻是的结婚照
Friend: 难怪你长得这么帅。原来你跟你爸爸年轻时一样精神。
Man: 我可比我爸帅多了,我们班女生都说我帅呆了。
Friend: 说你胖你还喘上了。那你为什么还没有女朋友?




說你胖:把你說得很「膨脹」 (flattery)
喘上了:開始吐氣吸氣都弄出一大堆噪音 (吹噓).
# 說你胖你就喘 说你胖你就喘 [shuo1 ni3 pang4 ni3 jiu4 chuan3] /someone tells you you're fat and you pant (idiom)/flattery, like perfume, should be smelled, not swallowed/
+ 說你胖你就喘 说你胖你就喘 [shuo1 ni3 pang4 ni3 jiu4 chuan3] /lit. when someone tells you you're fat, you pant (as if you were actually fat) (idiom)/fig. Hey! I pay you a compliment, and you start bragging! (typically jocular and teasing)/flattery, like perfume, should be smelled, not swallowed/
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