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Change log entry 71533
Processed by: richwarm (2021-02-14 23:26:11 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64939 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* Chinese dictionaries distinguish two pronunciations, ABC makes no such distinction.
* LAC and MoE separate two senses that seem the same to me: when 何为 is used in a rhetorical question is means "it's no use; there's no point", that is just the sense "what for" used rhetorically. I'm following these dictionaries in separating literal and rhetorical usage.
* In the sense "what is" is can be seen as classically trained construct: 何 what + 为 is, but it should be defined as it is used in modern Chinese. It is no different from 何时 or 何处.
* I didn't find the senses "what for" and "why" in modern texts.

※ héwéi

① why
② what is/are ...?

1. 什幺是。
| ~温室效应?
2. 〈书〉做什幺。
| 卿不候奏请,辄入长安,意欲~(《三国演义‧第九回》)?
3. 〈书〉反问语气,表示「又如何」。
| 人生如寄,多忧~(《文选‧曹丕‧善哉行》)。

1. 做什么、干什么。
| 《后汉书.卷一四.宗室四王三侯传.齐武王縯传》:「本起兵图大事者,伯升兄弟也,今更始何为者邪?」
| 唐.韩愈〈汴泗交流赠张仆射〉诗:「新秋朝凉未见日,公早结束来何为?」
2. 什么是。如:「何为三大洋、五大洲?」
3. 反问的语气,表示没有什么用。
| 《文选.曹丕.善哉行》:「人生如寄,多忧何为?」
| 《文选.曹植.赠白马王彪诗》:「太息将何为?天命与我违。」

※ héwèi
| 荆蛮非我乡,~久滞淫(《文选‧王粲‧七哀诗二首之二》)?
| 《文选.王粲.七哀诗二首之二》:「荆蛮非我乡,何为久滞淫?」

Child labor is notoriously difficult to measure or even to define.

Who or what is 'buddha'?

But the question is: what is Elite?
+ 何為 何为 [he2 wei2] /what is/(old) what for/(in a rhetorical question) it's no use/
+ 何為 何为 [he2 wei4] /(old) why/
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