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Change log entry 71452
Processed by: richwarm (2021-02-06 00:56:49 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64149 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* to revolt (against sb or sth) — I mainly wanted to add the intransitive verb sense (革sb的命) which is is very common (or was, when revolutions were) but isn't on any dictionary except Wenlin/ABC. Maybe "to carry out a revolution (against sb or sth)" would be wordier but more accurate? In most examples below the translation could be rephrased to to translate 革命 as revolt. There are also many cases that refer to revolt in a smaller scale, or against a single person, not something that would be called a revolution in English.
* to revolutionize (sth) — Still as a transitive verb, recently it seems to be used outside of politics as the English "to revolutionize" (a field, art, profession, technique, etc.), many times translated as "to reform", which isn't a bad translation but is more general, 革命 isn't used for just any reform.
* to transition to a new dynasty (old) — It also seems appropriate to add the original sense of the word, which is in most Chinese dictionaries.
* I still don't think this definition covers all the senses of the word, it seems to be used (or has been used — this word has a difficult modern history) to mean from as little as "to oppose" to something as serious as "to exterminate through revolutionary practice". In any case, its use as a transitive verb is very much established and hopefully these glosses will make this definition more useful.

☞ 改朝换代
1. 原指改革天命,即改朝换代。现指夺取政权,建立新的制度的社会变革。
1. 古时因天子受命于天,故朝代更替,君主易姓,皆称为「革命」。
| 《易经.革卦》:「汤武革命顺乎天而应乎人。」
1 动 原指改革天命, 即改朝换代。现指被压迫阶级用暴力夺取政权, 摧毁旧的社会制度, 建立新的社会制度, 推动社会向前发展

☞ 革sb的命
v.o./n. revolt; revolution
| 革地主的命
| revolt against the landlords

The Revolution of 1911 was directed against imperialism.

Because there was "decay of Manchu rule" and because it is the weak point that is attacked, it would seem that the revolution was directed against the Ching Dynasty.

Against whom was the revolution directed?

Having learned this "aggressiveness", the Chinese did not aggress into Britain or the United States but only created "ferment and unrest" inside China, i.e., carried out revolutions against imperialism and its running dogs.

The "Cultural Revolution" of the 1960s was turned into a "movement against culture," which included campaigns to end all religions. It was a profound, costly lesson.

"Why not be a revolutionary?" he asked himself. "There's a whole bunch of fuckers I'd like to revolution clear out of this world and into the next (Lyell)
“Revolution is not a bad thing,” thought Ah Q. “Finish off the whole lot of them... (Yangs)

黎满庚最可恶,克扣过他的救济粮和救济衣服,全无一点阶级感情!哼哼,这种人在本镇大队掌印当政,他王秋赦怎么彻底翻得了身?这回政府算开了恩,体察下情,派下了工作组,替现时最穷最苦的人讲话,革 那些现时有钱有势人的命 !李国香边问边记,把镇上十几个干部的情况都大致上摸了个底。

毛泽东同志说:“辛亥革命是革 帝国主义的命 ”。

4、宣扬“群众运动是天然合理的”,煽动极端民主化和无政府主义,以“大民主”名义破坏党的民主集中制,否定党的领导,鼓吹“踢开党委闹革命”,宣传“形成了一个党内资产阶级”,“要革 党内资产阶级的命 ”。

* * *

He had a strong subconscious to reform the life of the old opera, the Qing government and Yuan Shikai, then implemented one by one and played an important and active role.

So when I advocated a reform in the way the brush is held and then a reform in the brushes themselves it immediately created a big controversy. I was called a traitor to Chinese painting and worse. Actually I only wanted to stress that painting is made up of points, lines, surfaces, colors and textures and that the brush is only one tool among many for forming points and lines, just as creasing is only one method among many for forming texture, so why not try out different tools and different methods for a while?

外部使用B2B采购平台,100%供应商的订单从网上获得,网上付款达80%以上,通过网上支付,每年为供应商节约上千万元的费用。为了高速、高质量完成订单,海尔建成两座物流中心,“先革 了仓库的命 ”。在青岛开发区的海尔国际物流中心,记者看到,高速运转、操作简单的巷道堆垛机,实现了对货物的自动存取。激光导引的无人运货车,自动完成装卸货物。
- 革命 革命 [ge2 ming4] /revolution/revolutionary (politics)/CL:次[ci4]/
# + 革命 革命 [ge2 ming4] /to transition to a new dynasty (old)/revolution/revolutionary (politics)/to revolt (against sb or sth)/to revolutionize (sth)/CL:次[ci4]/
+ 革命 革命 [ge2 ming4] /to withdraw the mandate of heaven (and transition to a new dynasty) (original meaning)/revolution/revolutionary/to revolt (against sb or sth)/to revolutionize (sth)/(separable verb sometimes used in the pattern 革noun的命)/CL:次[ci4]/
By MDBG 2024
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