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Change log entry 71412
Processed by: richwarm (2021-02-03 04:51:39 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 66624 - submitted by 'vermillon' >>

Does it need a further gloss? The idea is that people, as opposed to trees, can adapt and that change is not insurmountable.

Editor: TP
Currently, many of the Taiwanese or Hakka comic dialogues are directly translated from Mandarin xiang sheng. Wang Chen-chuan admits frankly that his comprehension of Taiwanese is still limited. The series of local-dialect dialogues put out by the Hanlin Troupe up to now are all translated from Mandarin. But then, not every sentence can be literally translated. For example, the Beijing expression "People move to live, but if you move trees they die" can only be transformed into the Taiwanese idiom, "People have to work, chickens have to peck."

The passing of tree protection laws throughout Taiwan is a ray of hope in the preservation of trees, but when up against public works projects, old trees get neglected again. The law stipulates that old trees may be preserved by "heeling in" (moving a tree before construction, and moving it back after completion of a building) or transplanting. However, as the old saying goes, "For people, movement is life; for trees it is death." Old trees have difficulty in adapting to a new environment, and their survival rate is low. Also, maintaining the original appearance of a tree after it is transplanted is a difficult task which requires great effort.
# 樹挪死,人挪活 树挪死,人挪活 [shu4 nuo2 si3 , ren2 nuo2 huo2] /when they move, trees die, when people move, they survive (idiom)/
+ 樹挪死,人挪活 树挪死,人挪活 [shu4 nuo2 si3 , ren2 nuo2 huo2] /lit. moving a tree will kill it, but moving a person to a new place can invigorate (idiom)/fig. human beings, unlike trees, thrive on change/
By MDBG 2024
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