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Change log entry 71409
Processed by: richwarm (2021-02-03 03:18:32 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63752 - submitted by 'vermillon' >>
HDC: 比喻置身於及其艱難危險的境地。
Maybe my gloss is bit off? Ricci also has "répugner à faire qch (p.ex. un enfant: répugner à aller à l'école)" but that seems quite strange.


上刀山,下油鍋 examples from TP ~

"Haoren ka," literally "good person card," is a product of collectible card games and cartoons based on them. In such games, these cards are powerful weapons that target "good"-aligned characters, and no matter the trials and tribulations you might go through, one tiny little haoren ka can be enough to completely destroy you. In the real world, it has taken on another meaning-when a young man's advances are turned down by a girl with the traditional line, "You're such a good person, but I just don't think it would work out between us. You'll find someone better," that has become known as being given your haoren ka as a symbol of your romantic failure.

From this point on, veneration of ghosts among the Chinese not only declined in favor of the notion of immortals, but the torments of the hell of King Yama, adopted from India, in which people were flayed alive, thrown onto mountains of swords or cast into boiling oil, became deeply imprinted on the Chinese psyche.
# 上刀山,下火海 上刀山,下火海 [shang4 dao1 shan1 , xia4 huo3 hai3] /lit. to climb a mountain of knives and go down in a sea of fire/to brave all dangers/
+ 上刀山,下火海 上刀山,下火海 [shang4 dao1 shan1 , xia4 huo3 hai3] /lit. to climb mountains of swords and enter seas of flames (idiom)/fig. to go through trials and tribulations (often, for a noble cause)/
+ 上刀山,下油鍋 上刀山,下油锅 [shang4 dao1 shan1 , xia4 you2 guo1] /lit. to climb mountains of swords and enter cauldrons of boiling oil (idiom)/fig. to go through trials and tribulations/
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