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Change log entry 71393
Processed by: richwarm (2021-02-02 04:25:30 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 67275 - submitted by 'pepe' >>
白俄罗斯坚持实行刑法人性化,更 广泛运用除监禁以外的选择性处罚措 施,特别是对那些未对社会构成极大危害或初犯的罪犯以及未成年人。
In Belarus constant efforts are being made to render criminal law more humane and to make wider use of alternative forms [...]

改善卫生系统的准入、人性化以及 市民接触的满意度,扩大各医疗保 健提供者之间的交流与合作。
Improvement of access, humanization and satisfaction of contacts of citizens with the health system and expanding the communication [...]

在学校、难民营和清真寺中以及通 过媒体,整个中东的一代又一代儿童接受仇恨、诽谤 以色列人及犹太人和将其非人性化的 教 育。
In schools, camps and mosques and through the media, generation after generation of children across the Middle East have been taught to hate, vilify and dehumanize Israelis and Jews.

我们必须使全球化具 有人性化的一 面,否则全球化本身就会使人类受害。
Either we humanize globalization or globalization itself will undermine humanity.

Baidu has articles on 人性化 and 人性化设计, which I would interpret as talking about user-friendly design and the first article also gives user-friendly as a translation.

However, 人性化, like other words ending on 化, doesn't feel like an adjective, so I tried to formulate it as an action.

> "人性化, like other words ending on 化, doesn't feel like an adjective, so I tried to formulate it as an action."

I think that's a mistaken notion. Those ___化 words can function as verbs, nouns or adjectives.
(Their English counterparts often end in __ize, ___ization, and __ized respectively.)
Some of them are, in fact, *usually* used adjectivally.
E.g 大众化 which typically means "suited to the taste or the budget of the common people".
example ~ 最让人兴奋的是价格非常大众化。
"But the most exciting thing is the price is very accessible [i.e. within the budget of the average person]."

人性化 seems to be the same – it's usually used adjectivally. What else could it be in the following example?

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More examples:

How is it that no one else ever thought of such a user-friendly design?

I've also used the Microsoft system. But I often think it gives some really rare and obscure character choices. By comparison, the Google system is much smarter. But Microsoft pinyin has another a very user-friendly function, but I don't think many people have noticed it.

On the contrary, that's not necessary. What we believe in is 'people-friendly design'. When you're driving the car, it automatically charges.

Although there has been little flexibility in men's fashion, the orthodox traditional Western suit is not utterly immutable. With designers constantly "overturning" and "deconstructing" the suit, it has steadily moved in the direction of being "comfortable" and "user-friendly."

Last year was declared "women's health year." The seven municipal hospitals run by the Taipei Bureau of Health (TBOH) promoted efforts to make the treatment environment more friendly to women.

Kaohsiung's beauty comes not only from its people-oriented public spaces, but also from an unseen source under the ground-its sewage system.
# 人性化 人性化 [ren2 xing4 hua4] /to humanize/humanization/to cater for customers' needs/
+ 人性化 人性化 [ren2 xing4 hua4] /(of a system or product etc) adapted to human needs/people-oriented/user-friendly/
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