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Change log entry 71347
Processed by: richwarm (2021-01-27 10:23:59 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64872 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* I've never seen the sense "luck" and I suspect at least an "(old)" tag would be in order, but since it is in both LAC and MoE with examples and quotations it seems wrong not to include it.

n. the divine force that created the universe; Nature

divine force that created the universe; Nature
create the universe (or the world)

1. 福分;运气。
| 有无子嗣,乃各人的~。
2. 指创造万物的神。
| ~弃我,竟如此耶?

1. 运气。
| 元.官大用《范张鸡黍.第一折》:「这是各人的造物,你管他怎么!」
| 《水浒传.第三二回》:「我的造物只如此偃蹇!只为杀了一个烟花妇人,变出得如此之苦! 」
2. 一种创造、主宰万物的力量。
| 宋.陆游〈鹧鸪天.家住苍烟落照间〉词:「元知造物心肠别,老却英雄似等闲。」
| 《聊斋志异.卷一.叶生》:「人生世上,祇须合眼放步,以听造物之低昂而已。」

1 动 古代指创造万物
| 天公造物。
2 名 古代指创造万物的神。

所以神造物的时候,一切都是好的, 这是真实的.
So when God created , it is true that all existed was good.

God creates, while we can at best compare, organize and fuse.

As long as the Creator's whip doesn't fall hard across China's back she'll always stay the same, unwilling to budge a single hair on her body. (Lyell)
Ah, until lashed on the back by the Creator's whip, China will always remain the way she is, absolutely refusing to change a single hair on her body! (Yangs)
China will never change - never has done. Even Creation didn't change a hair on its head. (Lovell)

The Creator is really too reckless. I shall have to oppose him, although perhaps I shall really be helping him. (Lyell)
The Creator goes too far. I cannot but oppose him, although this may be abetting him instead. (Yangs)
Well, if I can't beat the Creator, I might as well join him in his little game of willful destruction. (Lovell)

"造物 的道理真是神秘莫测,像玫瑰那样娇艳的花偏偏要生刺,"张若兰指着盛开的深红色花朵说。

身体各部分配合比例的均匀完美,竟至于此极。可是她并不节食,也不运动。造物 自然赋予她如此的完美,奈何!奈何!时代正在改变,木兰的思想也新了,她不像一般新娘那样,两眼下垂不敢仰视,她也并不紧绷着脸不敢笑。
# 造物 造物 [zao4 wu4] /luck/divine creation of all things/god (as the creator of all things)/the Creator/
+ 造物 造物 [zao4 wu4] /luck/to create the universe/god (as the creator of all things)/the Creator/
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