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Change log entry 71291
Processed by: richwarm (2021-01-22 09:08:09 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64926 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
n. significant Chinese birthday (e.g., 60th/70th/etc.)

major birthday (such as the 50th, 60th, etc. of an older person)

| 八十~。

1. 重大的生日。一般指五十岁以上逢十的寿辰。如:「他祖父上月过七十大寿,贺客盈门,极为热闹。」
2. 高寿。
| 《儒林外史.第四回》:「老伯母的大事,我们做子姪的理应效劳,想老母这样大寿归天,也罢了!」

名 敬词, 一般指老年人逢十的寿辰
| 七十大寿。

After all, eighty was a special birthday, another decade lived or endured, just as you choose to look at it.

United Kingdom: two artillery gun salutes honoring Prince Charles on his 60th birthday.

I would like to propose a toast to Mr. Smith on his sixtieth birthday.

> Old Lady Ninepounder has long since celebrated the grand occasion of her eighth decade of longevity. She is still as dissatisfied and healthy as ever. (Lyell)
> Old Mrs. Ninepounder celebrated her eightieth birthday some time ago and is as full of complaints, as hale and hearty as ever. (Yangs)
> Now well past her eightieth birthday, old Mrs Nine-Pounds enjoys the same healthy ill-temper as always, (Lovell)

九斤老太自从庆祝了五十大寿以后,便渐渐的变了不平家,常说伊年青的时候,天气没有现在这般热,豆子也没有现在这般硬;总之现在的时世是不对了。 1v3呐喊08
> Ever since the grand occasion of her fiftieth birthday, Mrs. Ninepounder had gradually become something of a kvetch.She would often say that back in her youth, the weather wasn't as hot as it was now. The beans were not as hard either. In sum, there was something wrong with everything in the world today. (Lyell)
> Since Old Mrs. Ninepounder's celebration of her fiftieth birthday she had gradually become a fault-finder, for ever complaining that in her young days the summer had not been so hot nor the beans so tough as now. In a word, there was something wrong with the present-day world. (Yangs)
> Since she had celebrated the great milestone of her fiftieth birthday, Mrs Nine-Pounds’s general sense of grievance against the world had been steadily growing: the weather was much hotter than it had been when she’d been young, she became fond of saying; the beans much harder. Everything, in sum, was wrong with the here and now. (Lovell)
+ 大壽 大寿 [da4 shou4] /(polite) birthday making the beginning of new decade of life for an older person, especially over 50 years old (e.g. 60th or 70th birthday)/
By MDBG 2024
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