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Change log entry 71279
Processed by: richwarm (2021-01-20 22:30:02 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 67354 - submitted by 'monigeria' >>
The phrase "season a wok" is a bit jargon-y - I've never heard the term before today.

Most traditional woks are made from carbon steel, and these need to be seasoned. Seasoning is a special process that adds flavor to the steel and helps make the wok non-stick. The seasoning process makes food cooked in the wok more flavorful, makes the wok easier to cook with and to clean, and prevents the wok from rusting. And if you feel like your wok isn't non-stick enough or doesn’t have enough flavor, you can always season it again as necessary.

铁锅开锅 铁锅翻新 和 铁锅保养

1. Not so jargony really. Anyone who buys a cooking vessel made from iron (such as a Dutch oven) or carbon steel (e.g. a wok) would see the term "season" in the instruction pamphlet. It's defined in Merriam-Webster:
"season (transitive verb): to treat (something, such as wood or a skillet) so as to prepare for use"

2. (of a pot) --> (of the contents of a pot)
As GR puts it: "bouillir (contenu d'une casserole)".
(Yeah, I know it's idiomatic to say "the pot's boiling", but ...)

Wiktionary ~ "(of something cooking in a pot) to start to boil"

3. /to take the lid off a pot/
a. Wiktionary ~ "to open a cooking pot or pan (by lifting the lid)"
b. GR ~ "enlever le couvercle d'une casserole"

4. The fig. sense is in PLC and Wiktionary.
- 開鍋 开锅 [kai1 guo1] /(of a pot) to boil/
# + 開鍋 开锅 [kai1 guo1] /(of a pot) to boil/to season a wok/
+ 開鍋 开锅 [kai1 guo1] /to season a wok/to take the lid off a pot/(of the contents of a pot) to start to boil/(fig.) to become rowdy/
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