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Change log entry 71252
Processed by: richwarm (2021-01-14 00:13:48 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 67458 >>

1) Your reference is a blog post that has been read by 1008 people, but hasn't been upvoted by any of them.
2019.05.08 - 閱讀 1,008

2) Many dictionaries disagree with what you propose.
For example, "New Age" has the following definition: "do the least that is expected of one".

3) Here's an extract from Yu Hua's "To Live":
"But gambling is completely different [from whoring]. Gambling made me both happy and tense. And it was especially that sense of tension that brought me an almost indescribable feeling of comfort. I was like a monk caught up in his daily routine of ringing the bell, completely listless. Every morning I'd wake up with my only worry being how I should spend the day. My father would sigh in despair, reprimanding me for failing to bring honor to our ancestors."

Do you suppose this guy was saying he was "committed to doing his work to the fullest"?
# - 做一天和尚撞一天鐘 做一天和尚撞一天钟 [zuo4 yi1 tian1 he2 shang5 zhuang4 yi1 tian1 zhong1] /lit. as a monk for today, toll today's bell (idiom)/fig. to do one's job mechanically/to hold a position passively/
# + 做一天和尚撞一天鐘 做一天和尚撞一天钟 [zuo4 yi1 tian1 he2 shang5 zhuang4 yi1 tian1 zhong1] /lit. as a monk for today, toll today's bell (idiom)/fig. to be committed to doing one's work to the fullest/
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