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Change log entry 71236
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2021-01-04 06:48:33 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 67435 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
It's not a type of entrance ("guarded entrance").
Rather, it's the *guarding* of an entrance.
As LA puts it, 大門口的出入限制和保衛措施。

GR ~ contrôle des entrées et des sorties
(control over entering and leaving)


A: 呀,已经10点了,我要回家了。不然我妈妈会骂我的。
Uh oh, it's already 10 o'clock. I'm going home. Otherwise, my mom will yell at me.
B: 不是吧?都什么年代了,你们家还有门禁?况且你都二十多岁了,早就应该独立自主了,你妈妈怎么还管你管得这么严格?
You're kidding, right? What era are we living in-- your family still has a curfew? And furthermore, you're more than 20 years old. You should have been free a long time ago. How can your mom still keep you on such a tight leash?

Little Oxford, a bilingual elementary school attended primarily by the children of Taiwanese expatriates, guards its entranceway closely. A school bus takes students to and from school, and all visitors must announce themselves before entering.

Hsu Wen-hsing, founder of Smartek Engineering, whose company has twice won national awards in Taiwan this year for its fingerprint verification device, says

After Startek won a Gold National Award of Excellence last year, it then won an annual award for excellence in information technology applications for a circuit board which boasts no fewer than five world-first innovations despite being the size of a business card. It can distinguish between 5,000 different configurations of fingerprints. A person's identity can be verified within a second. Moreover, it is extremely accurate, and its price is only a bit over NT$10,000. It can be used to check identities at hotels and in place of time card machines in offices. It can also be used for safe deposit boxes or for computer network security.

Visiting several Washington area think tanks, you quickly discover that security is tight. Even if you have made an appointment ahead of time, you still have to go through a number of security barriers.

Building on his established name, he was able to penetrate the "forbidden ground" of China Central Television (CCTV),

the rules governing visits to transplant patients are especially strict.

The association also put forward a resolution stating that, as of 13 October, banks should no longer require customers to use cards to gain access to Taiwan's self-service banks,

After the gambling scandal broke in 1996, although teams have since been more conscientious, adopting strict measures like central dorms, group activities, and curfews to control and "protect" players, last year there were still incidents harming the image of baseball, such as drunken driving by players. And one still hears periodic rumors that players are involved in gambling.

Less than an hour after hitting the highway the bus arrives at Dongguan School. On Monday the school, whose doors are tightly guarded during the week, is a tumultuous scene of students and parents.

to which access had been forbidden for 40 years

The museum's vaults, strictly restricted areas, appear on the silver screen for the first time in the film.

there are no computerized controls on the doors, no central air conditioning, not even a time clock.

Yet within the heavily guarded, sequestered Shantzuhou American military housing, there occurred an incident that shook Taiwan's society.

"Entrance to the mill was strictly forbidden when it was in operation,"

Fearing that once Liao married the money would stop coming, her mother even tried to prevent her from having a social life. Though Liao was already more than 30 years old, her mother kept her on a curfew. If Liao was more than ten minutes late, her mother would lock the door. She'd only open it after cursing Liao until she was hoarse.

In the 1970s, they earned NT$4,000 a month, with room and board provided by the hospital. Curfew was at 9 p.m. sharp.

improved security at the hospital doors

Coworking spaces provide controlled access. He says the security and comfort help put your mind at ease and let you gather your thoughts. Plus, they provide opportunities to meet people. “I’m planning on letting a couple of my employees work here, too.”
- 門禁 门禁 [men2 jin4] /guarded entrance/
+ 門禁 门禁 [men2 jin4] /restrictions on entry and exiting/control over access/
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