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Change log entry 71233
Processed by: richwarm (2021-01-03 05:20:01 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 67356 >>

Editor: As the Baike reference states, a 礼宾部 is a *department* of a hotel. (设备完善的酒店是不可或缺的一个部门)
A "concierge", on the other hand, is an employee of a hotel.
# 禮賓部 礼宾部 [li3 bin1 bu4] /concierge/
+ 禮賓部 礼宾部 [li3 bin1 bu4] /concierge department of a hotel or resort/
+ 禮賓員 礼宾员 [li3 bin1 yuan2] /concierge/
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