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Change log entry 71172
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2020-11-29 08:17:15 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 67346 - submitted by 'pepe' >>
为了同时满足环保和美观的涂装需求,专为粉末涂料调配 和 量身定做 的 金 属效果颜料和珠光效果颜料,为高质量的表面涂装提供了最佳选择。
为了同时满足环保和美观的涂装需求,专为粉末涂料调配 和 量身定做 的 金 属效果颜料和珠光效果颜料,为高质量的表面涂装提供了最佳选择。
In order to satisfy both demands, the need for environmental friendliness and highly aesthetic appearance of coatings, metallic and pearlescent effect pigments – modified and tailor-made for powder coatings – offer the right option to achieve surface coatings of high-quality.

特别委员会认为,联合国对安全部门改革的办 法必须灵活、可变通、为有关国家 量身定做。
The Special Committee believes that the United Nations approach to security sector reform must be flexible, adaptable and tailored to the country concerned.

无论在何处,Interroll 产品都能根据客户特定要 求提供量身定做的最 佳解决方案,令客户放心无忧。
But no matter where Interroll products are deployed, customers can always rest assured that they will receive a premiumquality solution tailored to their individual requirements.

通过为您量身定做系统 化解决方案,我们可以帮助您实 现理想的全套热处理生产工艺。
Complete thermal processes are realized by customized system solutions.

收集的信息也使我们能够更好地为客户提 供 量身定做 的 个 性化服务。
The information we gather from your use of our web site enables us to provide better personalised that are tailored to your needs.
# 量身定做 量身定做 [liang2 shen1 ding4 zuo4] /tailor-made/tailored to/customized/
+ 量身定做 量身定做 [liang2 shen1 ding4 zuo4] /to tailor-make/tailor-made/tailored to/customized/
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