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Change log entry 71137
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2020-11-15 09:49:45 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 67313 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
Our definition is wrong.

1) It's not the entire process of development "while on the stem". It's only the specific stage of development when the panicle swells visibly within the leaf sheath but has not yet emerged from the sheath. (M ~ 稻麥類作物在葉鞘內形成而尚未抽出來的穗)

2) It's about the development of the *whole* seed, not just the *embryo*. The embryo is only part of a seed.

NC ~ booting
NA ~ to boot

> "(i.e. the swelling of the leaf sheath due to panicle growth)"
I explain what "booting" means because it's not defined in most general-purpose English dictionaries.

"booting stage: The reproductive phase of rice growth and development when the developing panicle causes a swelling of the culm."

"Booting is the period where the leaf sheath visibly thickens during panicle formation."
[Rice: Origin, History, Technology, and Production]

"booting generally is defined by the first visual evidence of panicle swelling"

"During the booting stage, the head of the wheat develops and becomes visible beneath the sheath on the stalk. The booting stage ends when the tips of the head, called awns, begin to emerge."
- 孕穗 孕穗 [yun4 sui4] /the embryonic development of grain while still on the stem/
+ 孕穗 孕穗 [yun4 sui4] /(grain farming) booting (i.e. the swelling of the leaf sheath due to panicle growth)/
By MDBG 2024
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