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Change log entry 71093
Processed by: richwarm (2020-11-07 02:22:16 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61726 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
The first gloss is too specific:
- it's not necessarily "a woman" (there are lots of hits for 和他打情骂俏)
- it's not necessarily "pretending to be displeased"

I think the 3rd gloss is sufficient.

See J.

Baike ~ 意思是指男女调情。
M ~ 男女二人開玩笑、互相調情。

Chinesepod examples.

1. 我看见他跟一个女的在打情骂俏 。
I saw him chatting flirtatiously with a girl.

2. 你们俩就别在那里打情骂俏了,快来帮忙吧。
You two — don’t just flirt around with each other there — come here to help out.

3. 他们在那里打情骂俏呢,我们别去打扰他们了。
They are flirting over there. Let’s not disturb them.

4. 我一开始也是这么想的。所以我又打去他公司。这回居然是个女的接的,而且还笑个不停,明显是在和张亮打情骂俏。
At first that’s what I thought too. So I also called his company. To my surprise, it was a woman that answered. Plus, she was laughing her head off – it was obvious that she was flirting around with Zhang Liang.

5. 你们不是都一直都打情骂俏的嘛,到处撒狗粮这怎么就分手了呢,根据我对你的了解,一定是你作的吧?早提醒你了,小作怡情,大作伤身。
Aren't you two always bantering back and forth? With all the PDA all over the place how did you end up splitting up? Knowing you, I'll bet it was you that did it, no? I've told you before, a bit of banter is par for the course, but hen-pecking when it gets out of control will get you burned.
- 打情罵俏 打情骂俏 [da3 qing2 ma4 qiao4] /to tease a woman by pretending to be displeased with her/to flirt with a member of the opposite sex/to banter flirtatiously/
+ 打情罵俏 打情骂俏 [da3 qing2 ma4 qiao4] /to banter flirtatiously (idiom)/
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