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Change log entry 71032
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2020-10-31 08:46:21 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 67231 - submitted by 'hanpingchinese' >>
Fixed simplified characters in referenced word. Because referenced word should refer to similar entry where trad and simp differ (unlike this entry where they are the same)
- 凌蒙初 凌蒙初 [Ling2 Meng2 chu1] /Ling Mengchu (1580-1644), Ming dynasty novelist and dramatist/also written 凌濛初[Ling2 Meng2 chu1]/
+ 凌蒙初 凌蒙初 [Ling2 Meng2 chu1] /Ling Mengchu (1580-1644), Ming dynasty novelist and dramatist/also written 凌濛初|凌蒙初[Ling2 Meng2 chu1]/
By MDBG 2024
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