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Change log entry 70961
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2020-10-21 11:35:59 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 67168 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
If you "ask sb out", you can be refused, but 约出 seems to imply that both parties agree to meet.

1) 跟網友聊天聊多久能見面?有一份調查發現,台人愛透過交友App聊天約見面,且只要跟網友聊的來,平均互動4小時內就能約出見面,其中女生不僅大方又經驗豐富,平均認識5個網友就會約出3個。

2) 男子約出自稱單身的女網友想愛愛,結果被女網友的男友抓包

3) TP ~ 更誇張的是,雙方還覺意猶未盡,乾脆約出來吃早餐,看到對方一夜未闔眼,邋遢的樣子。現在兩人是無話不談的好友,連看完電視徵友節目「非常男女」,都會打電話對參加的來賓品頭論足一番。
As if this was not enough, they then arranged to meet for breakfast and saw each other's tired and slightly disheveled state after a sleepless night on the phone. Today the two are good friends and even discuss the merits of the participants in the TV dating program "Special Men and Women."
- 約出 约出 [yue1 chu1] /to ask sb out (on a date etc)/
+ 約出 约出 [yue1 chu1] /to arrange to go on a date with sb/
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