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Change log entry 70958
Processed by: richwarm (2020-10-21 06:37:09 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 67179 - submitted by 'gregboothe' >>


Editor: A firecracker is a kind of firework*, so a definition like "fireworks and firecrackers" sounds strange.

* Oxford Dictionary:
firecracker: A loud, explosive firework.

If a shop advertised that they sell "fruits and apples" it would similarly sound odd.
Why would they add "apples", since "fruits" includes apples?

The Baike definition indicates that 烟花爆竹 is just a general term covering all the various types of "fireworks":

Yet I see "fireworks and firecrackers" in at least one dictionary. So what gives? I think it could be one of two possibilities:
1) it's a very literal translation of 烟花爆竹, or
2) "firecrackers" was added to make the meaning clearer because "fireworks" is ambiguous* (since it refers to either the pyrotechnic devices or the display they produce)

* Merriam-Webster:
Definition of "firework"
1: a device for producing a striking display by the combustion of explosive or flammable compositions
- "setting off fireworks"
2: (fireworks plural) a display of fireworks
- "a celebration marked by fireworks"

Anyway, I prefer not to have a definition like "fireworks and firecrackers" that leaves the reader wondering exactly what it means.
# 煙花爆竹 烟花爆竹 [yan1 hua1 bao4 zhu2] /fireworks and firecrackers/
+ 煙花爆竹 烟花爆竹 [yan1 hua1 bao4 zhu2] /fireworks (i.e. pyrotechnic devices, not the display they produce)/
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