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Change log entry 70934
Processed by: richwarm (2020-10-18 20:37:06 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 67148 - submitted by 'haton' >>

1) Although I found one source that says you can call it either [zhao3 zi4 tou2] or [zhua3 zi4 tou2], it seems that most simply assert it's [zhao3 zi4 tou2].

2) The 爪字頭 is commonly used in characters where it's *not* a radical.
E.g. 愛, whose radical is 心, and 菜, whose radical is 艹.
# 爪字頭 爪字头 [zhua3 zi4 tou2] /爫, form of radical 爪 used in characters/
+ 爪字頭 爪字头 [zhao3 zi4 tou2] /Chinese character component 爫, used in 乳[ru3], 愛|爱[ai4] etc/
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