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Change log entry 70927
Processed by: richwarm (2020-10-18 04:39:40 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 67149 - submitted by 'monigeria' >>
It was announced that the National Emblem Law was amended today and looks like the changes will go into effect January 1st next year.

  中新网北京10月17日电 (黄钰钦)十三届全国人大常委会第二十二次会议17日表决通过关于修改国旗法、国徽法的决定,决定将于2021年1月1日起施行。

(国旗法 already has an entry in MoE so I didn't bother adding it here.)

Not sure if Jeremy (China Law Translate/Jeremy Daum) has done any work on this one but I'm finding translations like:
·《中华人民共和国国徽法》 Law of the People's Republic of China on the National Emblem
· National Emblem Law of the People's Republic of China中华人民共和国国徽法
· National Emblem Law [国徽法];

1) As a definition wording, I'm not keen on "National Emblem Law" since it could be taken as either
national (emblem law) or
(national emblem) law.

2) http://www.lawinfochina.com/display.aspx?id=22780&lib=law&EncodingName=big5
# 國徽法 国徽法 [Guo2 hui1 fa3] /National Emblem Law/
+ 國徽法 国徽法 [Guo2 hui1 fa3] /Law on the National Emblem of the PRC, promulgated in 1991/
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