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Change log entry 70851
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2020-09-29 07:12:38 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 67074 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
[She would do things like turn down an invitation to participate in a creative marketplace that could have raised her profile, because it didn’t meet her high standards.]
> He Pei­jun pointed out that she was acting like “a senior designer with no experience running a business,” and holding onto an attitude that was inappropriate for an entrepreneur.

2) 暑期適逢考季,見到許多青少年拜完學業再拜月老,他也會跳出來告誡:「專心讀書,課業優先,現階段跟女朋友牽牽手就好,知道嗎?」他也遇過年輕女孩在月老面前抽抽噎噎,一問之下是悲痛男友變心,他好意點醒:「妳的詩籤顯示命中有3段姻緣,現在這個只是過客,勇敢放手,度過這關妳會更成熟,未來一定有屬於妳的好姻緣。」
He also ran into a heartbroken young woman sobbing to Yue Lao that her boyfriend had had a change of heart. He reminded her: “Your fortune says you will have three relationships. This one was just a passing thing. Be strong and let go. The experience will help you mature, and you’ll meet the right person eventually.”

3) 例如參與「小本創業組」的吳秀珠讓兒子去上課,然後回家把課堂上的所學與家人分享。有次課堂上老師說,在空間已經很小的家裡,堆放一些捨不得丟棄但卻始終用不到的東西,是不合經濟效益的「窮人想法」,一語點醒了吳秀珠,她立刻改掉「囤積」雜物的習性,也讓心理空間開闊起來。
For example, Wu Hsiu-chu asked her son to take the "Starting a Business with Limited Capital" class and to share what he had learned with the rest of the family. The teacher often told the class that piling up things they couldn't bear to part with but for which they had absolutely no use in a cramped apartment was a typical example of "thinking like poor people." This prompted Ms. Wu to give up her old habit of never throwing anything away. She immediately felt like she had taken a big load of her mind.

4) 雖然楊呈偉有些許的危機意識,但並沒有對未來的具體想法,而點醒他的,還是父親的一句話:「《西貢小姐》、《阿拉丁》,這些角色你還能演多久?」原先反對他從事這一行的父親,此刻卻開始認真為他計劃未來,還建議他,不如成立一個劇團,嘗試編寫屬於自己的劇作。
Although Yang had a sense of crisis, he didn't have any concrete plans about his own future. But what woke him up was a remark from his father: "Miss Saigon, Aladdin--how long can you play these kinds of roles?" Thenceforth, his father, who had originally opposed his choice of profession, started diligently to plan his career. It was also his suggestion that Welly found a theater company and try writing plays from his own experience.

5) 阿堂認為自己在演技上並沒有教演員太多。他很喜歡曾獲奧斯卡金像獎「終身成就獎」的美國名導Robert Altman的一句話:「電影,是演員站在最前面。」這點醒了他在導戲時,不要因為自己是主導者,就動輒壓縮演員的表演空間,畢竟,他們才是站在最前面與觀眾接觸的人,「導演的任務是去創造一個真誠的氣氛,讓他們能很快入戲。」

6) 「阿里山鐵路尚未得到其應有的國際地位與重視,」蘇昭旭指出,在一次國際研討會上,一位澳洲學者告訴他,阿里山鐵路在海拔落差上可名列世界前三。一語點醒夢中人,蘇昭旭驚覺阿里山森鐵從起站嘉義(海拔30公尺)到最高點祝山(海拔2,451公尺),海拔落差達2,421公尺,比全世界海拔最高的鐵道──中國青藏鐵路(2,828∼5,072公尺)的落差還要大。
"The Alishan Forest Railway has yet to be given the international status and value it deserves," notes Su Chao-hsu. At one international conference, an Australian scholar told him that the Alishan Forest Railway ranks third in the world in terms of altitude gain. This statement was an awakening for Su: the Alishan Forest Railway gains 2,421 m in elevation between its starting point in Chiayi (30 m) and its highest point at Zhushan (2,451 m), an altitude gain even greater that that of the world's highest railroad, China's Qing-Zang Railway (2,828-5,072 m).
+ 點醒 点醒 [dian3 xing3] /to point out/to draw sb's attention to sth/to cause sb to have a realization/
By MDBG 2024
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