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Change log entry 70827
Processed by: richwarm (2020-09-22 07:22:04 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64802 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* General sense "policeman" is not in current usage (used in late Qing/early Republic, I think, very common on May 4th literature).
* I have found no evidence of ABC's verb sense.

n[oun]. 〈trad.〉 policeman M:ge/míng/²wèi 个/名/位 ]
v[erb]. inspect; patrol

1 patrolling police; patrolman
2 DATED policeman
| 治安巡警
| public order policeman (or patrolman)

1. 旧时指警察;现指负责巡逻治安的警察。

1. 巡查警备。
| 《梁书.卷二十二.太祖五王传.鄱阳王恢传》:「每夜自巡警,高祖嘉其劳 苦。」
| 《宋史.卷二五○.王彦升传》:「此夕巡警甚困,聊就公一醉耳。」
2. 旧指警察。

名 旧时通称警察; 现专指负责治安巡逻的警察。

In an interview Friday, Yu said he was traveling with his wife in a consulate vehicle when he saw a patrol car with flashing lights behind him.

The project will collect information on the flow of vehicles using installed road sensors, cameras and first-hand reports, like those from police patrols.

A highway patrol officer stopped a speeding motorist. "Don't you know the blinking lights and siren mean?" he demanded.

The traffic safety agency said it was working with the Florida Highway Patrol in the inquiry into Mr. Brown’s fatal accident. The agency cautioned that the opening of an investigation did not mean it believed there was a defect in the vehicle being examined.

The officers received training in police procedures but are not sworn patrol officers and do not carry weapons.

The arrest on Sunday of the fund manager, Xu Xiang, nicknamed Big Xu, followed what could easily have been an American story line. He was apprehended near the exit of the 22-mile Hangzhou Bay Bridge in eastern China, and the highway patrol closed the bridge’s entrances and exits for more than half an hour, according to the official Hangzhou Daily.

> I have found no evidence of ABC's verb sense.
They copied it faithfully from Far East, as recorded in a note in ABC's entry.

It's also in the MoE definition you quoted, and in HDC (巡查警戒).
- 巡警 巡警 [xun2 jing3] /police officer/
+ 巡警 巡警 [xun2 jing3] /police patrol/patrol officer/police officer (old)/
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