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Change log entry 70804
Processed by: richwarm (2020-09-21 03:12:52 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65234 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>

1. 日本童話故事人物。敘述一對夫婦年老無子,某日,老婦人至溪邊洗衣,得一巨桃。數日後,桃內得一男嬰,稱為「桃太郎」。男孩力氣極大,屢次制伏惡魔,為日本兒童心目中的英雄。

2. 臺 泛稱日本人。例 「別看他說得一口流利的中文,他可是地道的桃太郎」。

1) "Japanese folk tale" is missing an article ("a" or "the").

2) Examples for the 2nd sense:
a) 說起來也有趣,"桃太郎"這三個字,原是一個家喻戶曉的日本民間童話故事。但時至今日,似乎"桃太郎"這三個字,已變成了日本人的代名詞;而"阿里郎"這三個字,原是一首著名的朝鮮族民歌,如今這三個字,似乎也變成了韓國人的代名詞。

b) 坐在台大附近的咖啡廳裡,鍾玉亭聊了很久後,雙眼才逐漸迷濛起來。她說,如果真能實現一個夢想,她希望嫁到日本去。倒不是她特別鍾情桃太郎,而是日本偶像劇中,那種規律、穩定的生活特別讓人神往。
Sitting in a coffee shop near her university, it is only after chatting for a long time that Chung's eyes start to get a little dreamy. She says that if she could really have one wish come true, she wants to get married to a Japanese man and move to Japan. It's not that she's especially in love with Japanese guys, but that she feels very attracted to the kind of law-abiding, well-regulated, stable lifestyle depicted in Japanese television serials.

(and it's in M as well)
# + 桃太郎 桃太郎 [Tao2 tai4 lang2] /Momotaro or Peach Boy, a hero from Japanese folk tale/(Tw) Japanese person/
+ 桃太郎 桃太郎 [Tao2 tai4 lang2] /Momotaro or Peach Boy, the hero of a Japanese folk tale/(Tw) Japanese person/
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