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Change log entry 70757
Processed by: richwarm (2020-09-18 02:20:48 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 66989 - submitted by 'format_avenger' >>
This edit replaces the Unicode 'ɡ' in the pinyin pronunciation with ASCII 'g'. \xc9\xa1 to \x67. 8 total instances found in CC-CEDICT.
- 張勳 张勋 [Zhang1 Xun1] /Zhang Xun (1854-1923), Qing loyalist general who attempted to restore the abdicated emperor Puyi 溥儀|溥仪[Pu3 yi2] to the throne in the Manchu Restoration of 1917 張勳復辟|张勋复辟[Zhanɡ1 Xun1 Fu4 bi4]/
+ 張勳 张勋 [Zhang1 Xun1] /Zhang Xun (1854-1923), Qing loyalist general who attempted to restore the abdicated emperor Puyi 溥儀|溥仪[Pu3 yi2] to the throne in the Manchu Restoration of 1917 張勳復辟|张勋复辟[Zhang1 Xun1 Fu4 bi4]/
- 張勳復辟 张勋复辟 [Zhang1 Xun1 Fu4 bi4] /Manchu Restoration of 1917, an attempt by general 張勳|张勋[Zhanɡ1 Xun1] to reinstate the monarchy in China by restoring the abdicated emperor Puyi 溥儀|溥仪[Pu3 yi2] to the throne/
+ 張勳復辟 张勋复辟 [Zhang1 Xun1 Fu4 bi4] /Manchu Restoration of 1917, an attempt by general 張勳|张勋[Zhang1 Xun1] to reinstate the monarchy in China by restoring the abdicated emperor Puyi 溥儀|溥仪[Pu3 yi2] to the throne/
By MDBG 2024
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