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Change log entry 70751
Processed by: richwarm (2020-09-16 21:43:32 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65924 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
| 夏衍《观剧偶感》:讽喻之妙, 在于诛心。

譬如李纲与太学正秦桧有相当交情,一直认为他议论英发,心思缜密,是不可多得的人才。太学中的几个朋友与秦桧打过交道,吃过暗亏,不能同意他的意见。李纲因为他们拿不出多少真凭实据,单凭几句诛心 的空话就替秦桧下结沦,也不肯同意他们的不同意见,双方又形成了相持不决的僵局。

> He often employed his dirtylookism to punish such miscreants. Occasionally he would voice a loud comment to show that he knew what a couple was "really up to," no matter how innocent their behavior might seem on the surface. And occasionally—if the place was isolated—he'd throw a pebble at them from behind. (Lyell)
> In order to correct such people, he would glare furiously, pass loud, cutting remarks, or, if the place were deserted, throw a small stone from behind. (Yangs)
> He was always disciplining them with his Angry Glare, or with a few sentences of penetrating criticism; if there was nobody else about, he would cast a pebble at them from behind. (Lovell)
# 誅心 诛心 [zhu1xin1] /to expose sb's true motives/to criticize sb's motives/
+ 誅心 诛心 [zhu1 xin1] /to criticize sb for what one believes to be their ulterior motive/
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