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Change log entry 70736
Processed by: richwarm (2020-09-15 08:19:43 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63605 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
zdic gives: 1. 手執的銅製儀仗棒。2. 職官名。掌管京城的治安警衛。
Definitely has this meaning in 寶鼎現 by 劉辰翁.

Editor: What do you mean by "has this meaning"?
You quoted *two* different meanings.

I'm not quite sure about the "ceremonial baton".
I can't find much reference to that sense.

As for the second sense, it looks like you misread the definition.
It's saying that this is an official administrative role, not a lowly security guard.
It's a person who is in charge of 治安警衛 (keeping the order) in the capital.

Wikipedia says

Grand Ricci has this for 執金吾:
(Adm. impér.) Chambellan des insignes impériaux : haut dignitaire commandant l’une des deux plus grandes armées stationnées à la capitale pour le maintien de l’ordre (dyn. 漢 Han).

"haut dignitaire" doesn't sound like a "security guard".
# 金吾 金吾 [jin1 wu2] /ceremonial baton made from copper/security guard responsible for maintaining law and order in the capital city/
+ 執金吾 执金吾 [zhi2 jin1 wu2] /(Han dynasty) official in command of an army responsible for maintaining law and order in the capital/
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