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Change log entry 70726
Processed by: richwarm (2020-09-15 05:17:40 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65914 - submitted by 'vermillon' >>
def from ABC.
PLC gives the following example: 工廠倒閉了,工人們只能自謀出路。
Other examples also suggest having to find an escape from a job position that has become unstable.

Editor: Examples I found suggest that the meaning is a bit broader than finding a job.

但在中共国,老百姓为了谋生,到处摆小摊,也根本不交税。因为你如果不让他们谋生,就得政府提供福利保障。如果政 府不管事,那就人民只能自谋出路。

Q 请翻译这句话,不要机器翻译!请详细解释其中take off和最后一个on的意思。
A 我姐姐(或妹妹)自大学预科以后就离开自谋出路了
take off就是开始、离开的意思
take off on her own track就是开始走自己的道路,自己的生活轨迹

government-provided employment opportunities together with job searches undertaken by the unemployed themselves

India should leave Maldives to fend for itself.


If you're not, you're out on your.."

Since news of the downsizing first broke, provincial government workers at all levels, from section chiefs down to janitors and drivers, have more or less been on the lookout for new arrangements. Although Personnel Department director Wu Yau-fong states that overall staff turnover has not risen compared to previous years, whenever openings are available in the central government or local governments (especially in locations such as Taichung county or city), some department-level officials happily accept reassignment, even to lower level positions.

The "live-fish ships" that have been developed over the last two years represent another Taiwanese specialty. Lee Fu-chen, a fish farmer from Jia-dong who created the first live-fish ship, explains that the slightest mishap when shipping live fish can cause the entire haul to die. There's a high level of risk. Early on, there simply weren't any shipping companies that would dare to accept this kind of business, so fish farmers had to make do themselves, jimmy-rigging the holds of fishing boats into live fish receptacles. Pipes were placed through the hulls to create water circulation. The boat would expel water when rising on waves and take in water when falling on waves.
# 自謀出路 自谋出路 [zi4 mou2 chu1 lu4] /to find one's own means of livelihood/
+ 自謀出路 自谋出路 [zi4 mou2 chu1 lu4] /(idiom) to take matters into one's own hands/to go it alone/to fend for oneself/to find one's own way forward (esp. to find oneself a job)/
By MDBG 2024
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