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Change log entry 70716
Processed by: richwarm (2020-09-14 08:45:48 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 66553 - submitted by 'vincentbaey' >>
新世纪汉英词典(1997)外语教学与研究出版社(New Century Chinese-English Dictionary)

Besides being a pastime, Liang argues, chess also provides a healthy outlet for man's warlike nature, turning the primitive struggle for survival into a battle of wits: "Man is combative and tricky by nature. To win a victory on the chessboard is better than to win in a struggle for political power; to fool an opponent by crushing his chariot through a double-play is better than to gain some economic advantage through false pretenses."

In 1982, the British writer Nick Danziger, with the support of a Winston Churchill Memorial Trust Fellowship, set off from London on an epic journey. Traveling by train, bus, lorry, and foot, he traversed Europe and reached Istanbul. From Turkey, he traveled to Damascus in the Arab world, and on through Iran, very hostile to Westerners at the time; through civil-war-wracked Afghanistan; Pakistan; and then on to Xinjiang in China, at the time not yet open to Westerners. Danziger eventually made his way, by hook and by crook, to Beijing. In the end, passing through Hong Kong, he returned to Britain. Over 18 months, he had spent a mere £1000.

The play tells the story of a bandit who sneaks into a temple and ends up colluding with its abbot. They store and sell the bandit's black-market alcohol from a place where the police would never think to look for it: the temple itself. The abbot even tricks the devout into helping sell the booze. Later, the bandit's wife inadvertently exposes the scheme when she seeks help for their child at the temple. The play closes with an absurd tale of a drunken father. In reality, Sri Lanka has had a serious problem with alcoholism for many years.

It's worth mentioning that he might easily have collected many more points than just mentioned, but in the course of the activity someone pointed out to Chiou that his method was technically illegal. It turned out that engaging in public-interest fundraising activities in an individual's name was forbidden under the Statute Governing Fundraising for Non-Profit Purposes, to prevent fraud.
# 招搖撞騙 招摇撞骗 [zhao1 yao2 zhuang4 pian4] /swindle and bluff; bluff one's way around/
+ 招搖撞騙 招摇撞骗 [zhao1 yao2 zhuang4 pian4] /(idiom) to dupe people by passing oneself off as a well-connected individual or a figure of authority/
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