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Change log entry 70713
Processed by: richwarm (2020-09-14 04:31:53 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64908 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
Judging from the definitions on Chinese dictionaries 蝮蛇 is one specific species of snake, it doesn't refer to venomous snakes in general. 百度百科 gives the scientific name Agkistrodon halys. Wikipedia says this is a taxonomic synonym for both “Gloydius halys, a.k.a. the Siberian pit viper” and “Gloydius saxatilis, a.k.a. the Amur viper”. Wikipedia redirects 蝮蛇 to 蝮亚科 — Crotalinae i.e. pit vipers (“蝮亚科(学名Crotalinae)是蝰蛇科的一个亚科,统称蝮蛇”). While Wenlin has a one-word definition (“adder”), the editing mode (thanks @richwarm for letting me know about the extra information there) shows a number of remarks mentioning “Pallas pit viper”, which seems to imply people at Wenlin Ins. think it refers to this specific species. According to Wikipedia “Pallas pit viper” is one of the common names for Gloydius halys.

In conclusion, I believe 蝮蛇 refers primarily to Gloydius halys, although it may also be used to refer to any pit viper 蝮亚科.

n. adder

pit viper


名 毒蛇, 体长60—90厘米, 头三角形, 灰褐色, 有斑纹。生活在平原及低山区, 捕食蛙、鸟、鼠等。
- 蝮蛇 蝮蛇 [fu4 she2] /venomous snake/
+ 蝮蛇 蝮蛇 [fu4 she2] /Siberian pit viper (Gloydius halys)/pit viper/
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