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Change log entry 70710
Processed by: richwarm (2020-09-14 04:04:37 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65810 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
cf. 数字

* Only Pleco says it means amount, rather that numeral, number. GF explicitly excludes the "amount" sense.

n. numeral; figure; digit

number; amount
| 数目(字)很大的一笔钱
| a huge amount of money

1. 表示数目的字。汉字的数字有大写和小写两种:「零壹贰参肆伍陆柒捌玖拾佰仟」等为大写;「○一二三四五六七八九十百千」等为小写。
2. 表示数目的符号。如阿拉伯数字、罗马数字。也作「数码」。


名 数字①②。
[① 名 表示数目的字。汉字的数字有小写和大写两种。小写为○一二三四五六七八九十百千; 大写为零壹贰叁肆伍陆柒捌玖拾佰仟。万、亿等通用于大小写。
②名 表示数目的符号, 如阿拉伯数字、罗马数字等。(也说数目字。)]

Children taught in Chinese find it easier to learn numerals and can do their calculations much easier and faster.

Let your child practice writing numbers and letters on paper.

The interior floor indicator has a red numeral display backlight which is not very visible.

The numbers in my article refer to the footnotes.

> His head was so jam-packed with crisscrossed pieces of firewood he thought it was going to burst: 5, 5, 25-a chaos of arabic numerals was indelibly stamped across the front of his brain. (Lyell)
> His head seemed to be bursting as if filled to the brim with sharp faggots. Five fives are twenty-five — scattered Arabic numerals were still imprinted on his brain. (Yangs)
> His head now felt swollen, stuffed full of firewood. #2 5 x 5 = 25... Arabic numerals crowded his brain. (Lovell)

Editor: I'm not so sure that it can't mean "amount".
1) GF often "explicitly excludes" certain usages that it deems incorrect, but which in fact have substantial usage.
2) New Century defines 数目字 as "same as 数字" and its sense #3 of 数字 is "quantity; amount".
3) There's this quote from Mao Dun's "Midnight":
"Seventy or eighty brokers, together with their hundred-odd assistants and innumerable speculators, produced between them such a deafening pandemonium of shouting and bidding that no ordinary ear could have made anything of it."
+ 數目字 数目字 [shu4 mu4 zi4] /numeral/digit/number/figure/
By MDBG 2024
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