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Change log entry 70693
Processed by: richwarm (2020-09-12 06:54:47 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 62505 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
f.e. ①in sharp contrast; no ambiguity at all ②right and wrong clearly distinguished
| 他一向都是黑白分明。
| He always clearly distinguishes between right and wrong.

with black and white sharply contrasted; in sharp contrast
| 两种态度, 黑白分明。
| The two attitudes stand in sharp contrast.

1. 黑色、白色区分明显。如:「斑马身上的颜色黑白分明,煞是好看。」
2. 比喻是非善恶分明。
| 汉.董仲舒《春秋繁露.保位权》:「黑白分明,然后民知所去就。」
| 《清史稿.卷三六四.汤金钊传》:「朝有诤臣,使朕胸中黑白分明,无伤于政体, 不胜欣悦!」也作「白黑分明」。
3. 形容眼睛清澈明亮。如:「小孩子的眼睛黑白分明,心地天真无邪。」

1. 黑色和白色区分明显。
| 她那双眼睛清澈明亮,~。
2. 比喻对是非善恶清楚明白。
| 他的个性一向~,嫉恶如仇

她一面拍手,一面使劲蹦,把两绺鬈发 从她的教友会的小帽里震落了下来,黑白分明地衬在她的白围巾上。
She gave such a bound from the floor, as she clapped her little hands, that two stray curls fell from under her Quaker cap, and lay brightly on her white neckerchief.

While the travelers resting under the pavilion and trees are carefree and comfortable. The clear hues of black and white produce a impressive effect.

This is not a relationship that fits neatly into the black and white categories like friend or rival.

Nothing is clear in our world. Nothing happens the way we expect it to.
# 黑白分明 黑白分明 [hei1 bai2 fen1 ming2] /black and white clearly contrasted (lit.)/in clear contrast/to distinguish clearly right from wrong/
+ 黑白分明 黑白分明 [hei1 bai2 fen1 ming2] /black and white clearly contrasted/(fig.) unambiguous/black-and-white/in sharp contrast/to distinguish clearly right from wrong/
By MDBG 2024
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