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Change log entry 70679
Processed by: richwarm (2020-09-11 23:32:45 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65876 - submitted by 'dine' >>
## segment 2 / 7

Taking warning from other countries' experience, Taiwan has set up a Center for Forestry Disease Control to collate reports on forest pests and diseases from all over Taiwan in order to coordinate timely responses.

The strengthening of homes and schools that is essential to "enhancing protective factors" is a massive, time-intensive project. As for the flipside of things, the "reduction of risk factors" is something parents and the kids themselves can undertake, provided they know what to be vigilant against.

"But there are both good and bad things about the way foreigners do things-you have to learn from the good and take the bad as a warning,"
# 引以為戒 引以为戒 [yin3 yi3 wei2 jie4] /to take sth. as a warning (idiom)/to learn a lesson from (a bad example)/
+ 引以為戒 引以为戒 [yin3 yi3 wei2 jie4] /to take sth as a warning (idiom)/to draw a lesson from a case where things turned out badly/
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