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Change log entry 70658
Processed by: richwarm (2020-09-09 07:12:27 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 66933 - submitted by 'michaelchen' >>
Can be a verb, as seen in these sentences from LINE.
As well as an adjective:
Would be good to clarify that 失礼 as a verb is an act, not a statement of character. Pleco's "to commit a breach of etiquette" puts it perfectly, but I'm not sure how to paraphrase it.

1) The first example is from Shakespeare's "Othello" and should be formatted with a colon.
奥瑟罗: 是我失礼了。
Othello: I am to blame.
(He has kept his guests waiting.)

Would prefer examples that were originally written in Chinese rather than translations from English.

2) I'm not so sure that "commit a breach of etiquette" is "perfect". It sounds quite stilted.
I mean, if you kept someone waiting, you'd be unlikely to say "I'm so sorry. I have committed a breach of etiquette."
But then, there may be no perfect phrase for 失礼 in English.

3) In none of your examples is 失礼 is "statement of character".
I suspect 失礼 can't actually be used for that purpose.
In other words, I think "lacking in manners" is misleading.

4) "forgive me (for my impropriety)"
e.g. 沒能好好招待,失禮!失禮!」
- 失禮 失礼 [shi1 li3] /lacking in manners/
# + 失禮 失礼 [shi1 li3] /lacking in manners/to be impolite/
+ 失禮 失礼 [shi1 li3] /to act discourteously/forgive me (for my impropriety)/
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