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Change log entry 70599
Processed by: richwarm (2020-09-03 22:29:22 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 66883 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
does py have to be capitalized or not?


- 联邦国防军所属的药理学和毒理学实验室确认,正在德国接受治疗的俄罗斯反对派领袖纳瓦尔尼体内,发现了神经毒剂“诺维乔克”的痕迹

Editor: I suspect that in time it may lose the capital N even in English.
It has no capital N here:

I think the capital N is used currently because foreign words that are still somewhat unfamiliar tend to be capitalized (or italicized) until such time as they become fully absorbed into English (unless they are words that aid readability by being capitalized, like "Go".)
# 諾維喬克 诺维乔克 [Nuo4 wei2 qiao2 ke4] /Novichok (chemical agent)/
+ 諾維喬克 诺维乔克 [Nuo4 wei2 qiao2 ke4] /Novichok (nerve agent)/
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