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Change log entry 70250
Processed by: richwarm (2020-07-29 07:41:29 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64560 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* The only sense on most dictionaries is "to sprain".
* Of the ones I have, only 现代汉语大词典, indicates more meanings. The first corroborates CEDICT's current definition with an example. It also the only one not considered dialect by this dictionary.
* The third is the one Lu Xun seems to use and the one I was looking for, but translations vary and in some cases "limping" could be a possible translation". More quotations with translation below.
* The fourth, "克制, 忍住", I haven't seen anywhere else and I'm not adding at the moment.
* MoE redirects to 蹩躠; a word that is only defined in the same dictionary.

v. sprain (an ankle/wrist)

sprain (one's ankle or wrist)
| 他走路不小心, 蹩了脚。
| He missed his step and sprained his foot.

1. 〈口〉指扭伤(脚腕等)。
| 不小心~了脚。


动 某些地区指扭伤脚腕等
| 当心把脚蹩了。

1 跛, 瘸。
|徐兴业《金瓯缺》:种师道蹩着右脚(那是在臧底河一战中被西夏人射伤, 以致成为轻微的残疾), 撩起因为拐脚走路, 因而显得不太合身的袍服。
| 周立波《暴风骤雨》:正锅配好灶, 歪锅配蹩灶。
2 方言。扭转;扭伤。
| 丁玲《母亲》:丫头老妈都忍俊不住, 悄悄地蹩着腰。
3 方言。躲躲闪闪地走动。
| 鲁迅《药》:他便退了几步, 寻到一家关着门的铺子, 蹩进檐下, 靠门立住了。
4 用同“憋”。克制, 忍住。
| 刘绍棠《青枝绿叶》:满囤嫂用袄袖擦把汗, 刚要说:‘从鸡叫…’满囤瞪她一眼, 就蹩了回去。
| 郭小川《致青年公民》:谈话中夹带着蹩不住的笑声。

He retreats a few paces, finds his way to a closed store, slips in under the eaves, and takes up a position beside the door. (Lyell)
He walked back a few steps to stand under the eaves of a shop, in front of its closed door. (Yangs)
He slunk back under the eaves of a shop, leaning against its bolted door. (Lovell)

This is a man who spends all his days in the teashop, the first to arrive and last to leave. He sidles in behind a corner table facing the street. No one answers. (Lyell)
He was one of those who spend all their time in teahouses, the first to come in the morning and the last to leave. Now he had just stumbled to a corner table facing the street, and sat down. But no one answered his question. (Yangs)
All day, every day he spent in the teahouse, always the first to arrive and the last to leave. Today, he had chosen the corner table nearest the street. Everyone ignored him. (Lovell)

Knowing full well that the man who had sneaked up behind him could be none other than his old friend and card-playing crony Third Huang, Gao tensed his neck muscles and wouldn't let his head budge. (Lyell)
He did not move, however, knowing from the voice and action that it was his old friend Huang San, with whom he played mahjong, who had tiptoed in. (Yangs)
He chose not to honour this approach by turning round: he knew both voice and hand belonged to his old gambling partner, Huang San, who must have limped quietly up behind him. (Lovell)

Holding the child in her arms, Old Amah scurries along under the eaves of the stores. (Lyell)
Amah carried over the child, flitting under the shade of the eaves. (Yangs)
Still holding the child in her arms, the old amah scurried along in the shade beneath the eaves of houses. (Lovell)

> MoE redirects to 蹩躠; a word that is only defined in the same dictionary
It's in Grand Ricci and HDC as well.
- 蹩 蹩 [bie2] /limp/
+ 蹩 蹩 [bie2] /to limp/to sprain (an ankle or wrist)/to move carefully, as if evading a danger/to scurry/
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