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Change log entry 70057
Processed by: richwarm (2020-07-11 10:58:40 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64237 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* I think Wenlin/ABC's definition “endure humiliation to carry out an important mission” corresponds to the expression 忍辱负重, not to 负重 by itself.

v[erb] o[bject construction]
① shoulder a heavy load
② endure humiliation to carry out an important mission

1 carry a heavy load on one's back
| 负重训练
| weight training
2 shoulder a heavy task

1. 背(ㄅㄟ bēi)着重物。
| ~行军
| ~竞走。
2. 担负重任。
| 忍辱~。

| 唐.李善.注:「明君之御民,若乘奔而无辔,履冰而负重也。」

1 动 背(bēi)着重物
| 负重行军。
2 动 担负重任
| 忍辱负重。
+ 負重 负重 [fu4 zhong4] /(lit. and fig.) to carry a heavy load/to carry a heavy burden/
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