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Change log entry 70017
Processed by: richwarm (2020-07-06 07:48:51 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65215 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
v. select; choose

VERB choose; pick; select

| ~精粟
| ~吉日。

| 《儒林外史.第一○回》:「央媒拜允,一是二位老爷拣择;或娶过去,或招在这里,也是二位老爷斟酌。」
| 《红楼梦.第五五回》:「若是凤姐前,他便早已献勤,说出许多主意,又查出许多旧例来,任凤姐儿拣择施行。」

动 <文> 挑选
| 拣择精粟。

When resting, they lay down their bamboo pole, sit on top of it and casually choose an extra-tender lotus root "spear" or a rather older "blunt knife" and chew large mouthfuls of it to quench their thirst.

Times change. Zhang Qian's day is long gone, and the global village is upon us. Thanks to the WTO, many citizens of the world can pick and choose from a dazzling array of fruits, vegetables, flowers and seafoods.

The Qianlong era Muslim Jin Tianzhu said: "Other religions have found us inexplicable for thousands of years. Some say we are unorthodox, and have made up our rules. They say we speak strangely, wear strange clothes, and have a strange diet. They don't know which god we worship. They say we meet at night, and break up in the morning, that men are mingling with women. These doubts are all because there have been no explanations." The reason for the misconceptions was that "People haven't studied our books."

Mother said that we ought to see to it that he got as much of what we weren't going to take with us as possible. So we told him to take whatever he wanted. (Lyell)
Mother said that we should offer him all the things we were not going to take away, letting him choose for himself. (Yangs)
Anything we didn't need to take with us, Mother said, we should give him; he could take whatever he wanted. (Lovell)
# 揀擇 拣择 [jian3 ze2] /(literary) to select/to pick/to chose/
+ 揀擇 拣择 [jian3 ze2] /(literary) to select/to choose/
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