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Change log entry 70011
Processed by: richwarm (2020-07-06 04:25:05 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65727 - submitted by 'pepe' >>
Found in ABC, HDD

平常心是一个汉语词汇,拼音是píng cháng xīn ,具体表现为对自己做任何事的成功和失败的概率有准确的预测。既积极主动,要尽力而为,又顺其自然,不苛求事事完美。有从容淡定的自信心。

我希望社會 各界都 以 平 常 心 及成熟 的 態 度 來 處 理 這個問題。
I hope the community can deal
with this issue in a calm and mature manner.

只要我們以 平常心看待 此事,便沒有必要撒賴,或是向其他同事惡言惡語,像要 贏盡一切。
As long as we look at the issue with equanimity, it is not necessary to be a bad loser or say evil words to other colleagues [...]

但是,既然香港的政制是特定歷史條件下的產物,香港市民應以 平常心接受這既定的事實。
Hong Kong is a product of specific historical circumstances, Hong Kong people should accept this reality with equanimity.
# 平常心 平常心 [ping2 chang2 xin1] /composure/calmness/equanimity/
+ 平常心 平常心 [ping2 chang2 xin1] /levelheadedness/calmness/equanimity/
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