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Change log entry 70009
Processed by: richwarm (2020-07-06 02:05:49 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 66150 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
not sure if "wu yuan" should be capitalized or not, but maybe not
also, i changed Five to five

Editor: As I would expect, Wp and TP capitalize Yuan in names such as "Executive Yuan".
Wp ~ "In the constitution, the five branches or Yuan (院) are: the Executive Yuan (行政院), Legislative Yuan (立法院), Judicial Yuan (司法院), Examination Yuan (考試院), and Control Yuan (監察院)."
- 五院 五院 [wu3 yuan4] /Five yuan or courts that formed the government of the Republic of China under Sun Yat-sen's constitution, namely: 行政院[xing2 zheng4 yuan4] Executive yuan, 立法院[li4 fa3 yuan4] Legislative yuan, 司法院[si1 fa3 yuan4] Judicial yuan, 考試院|考试院[kao3 shi4 yuan4] Examination yuan, 監察院|监察院[jian1 cha2 yuan4] Control yuan/
# + 五院 五院 [wu3 yuan4] /five yuan or courts that formed the government of the Republic of China under Sun Yat-sen's constitution, namely: 行政院[Xing2 zheng4 yuan4] Executive yuan, 立法院[Li4 fa3 yuan4] Legislative yuan, 司法院[Si1 fa3 yuan4] Judicial yuan, 考試院|考试院[Kao3 shi4 yuan4] Examination yuan, 監察院|监察院[Jian1 cha2 yuan4] Control yuan/
+ 五院 五院 [wu3 yuan4] /the five yuan (administrative branches of government) of the Republic of China under Sun Yat-sen's constitution: 行政院[Xing2 zheng4 yuan4] Executive Yuan, 立法院[Li4 fa3 yuan4] Legislative Yuan, 司法院[Si1 fa3 yuan4] Judicial Yuan, 考試院|考试院[Kao3 shi4 yuan4] Examination Yuan, 監察院|监察院[Jian1 cha2 yuan4] Control Yuan/
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