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Change log entry 69967
Processed by: richwarm (2020-07-02 07:12:34 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61667 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>


Q. 常常在微博中看到说“女人你这是在玩火”的话语,你这是在玩火是什么梗?
A. 现在你这是在玩火是什么梗多解释为:做危险的,作死的行为。


Q. 评论厉害了我的哥是什么梗

A. 一名中学生军训玩王者荣耀被教官抓住了,然后教官帮他把这把游戏玩完了,而在游戏过程中,无限超神附体,开启了大杀特杀的模式,队友纷纷表示:厉害了我哥!



Q. “买橘子”是什么梗


A. [...] 因此网络上把“买橘子”这个梗引申出来暗指“我是你爸爸”的意思,用来占别人的便宜。


Q. 乌鸦坐飞机是什么梗?
A. 乌鸦坐飞机,在成龙历险记的英文原版中Angry Crow Takes Flight。但是因为电视台可能在翻译时采用了机翻或者是翻译水平太低,将这一个本来挺霸气的招式名称直接翻译成了“乌鸦坐飞机”。

Editor: I got this wrong, I believe. A 梗 is some form of creative material such as a meme or a funny line.
It's not the *story* behind (or the *explanation* of) the meme or the funny line.
As Yves wrote:
"In no language can sth mean both a meme and the origin of the meme. So when people ask, 'What's that meme about 乌鸦坐飞机?', others answer by explaining the meme--or the story."

I'm still getting around to Mo's sub for 梗.
I think I'm getting to the point where I can write a definition.
# - 梗 梗 [geng3] /branch/stem/stalk/CL:根[gen1]/to block/to hinder/(Tw) interesting, fresh, or amusing subject matter or scenario/
# + 梗 梗 [geng3] /branch/stem/stalk/CL:根[gen1]/to block/to hinder/(Internet slang) cultural reference/story behind a word or expression/(Tw) interesting, fresh, or amusing subject matter or scenario/
# + 什麼梗 什么梗 [shen2 me5 geng3] /where does that expression come from?/
By MDBG 2024
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