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Change log entry 69955
Processed by: richwarm (2020-07-01 23:46:28 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 66347 - submitted by 'monigeria' >>
<< follow-up of change log entry 69931 >>
<< review queue entry 66285 - submitted by 'monigeria' >>

Can we add an "equals" here for this, just for reference sake. I've mostly heard "功夫病毒" on YouTube 自媒体 reports.

Not sure about the syntax tho.

The equals sign (=) at the beginning of an entry in a submission means that you are asserting/confirming the correctness of an *existing* entry. We don't have an existing entry for 功夫病毒 so this sub would fail to process.

What I presume you intend with this sub is to *add* an entry for 功夫病毒, right? For that purpose, you should be using a plus sign (+) rather than an equals sign.
# 功夫流感 功夫流感 [gong1 fu5 liu2 gan3] /Chinese translation of "kung flu", a term used by US President Trump in 2020 to refer to COVID-19 as a "Chinese" disease/
# = 功夫病毒 功夫病毒 [gong1 fu1 bing4 du2] /kung flu/
# Editor:
+ 功夫病毒 功夫病毒 [gong1 fu5 bing4 du2] /kung flu/
By MDBG 2024
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