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Change log entry 69929
Processed by: richwarm (2020-07-01 02:10:25 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64087 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* Wenlin gives xia (neutral) as the pronunciation and that's probably how most people would pronounce it but all other dictionaries give xià, including 规范词典.
* 规范词典 has the note 「后面多带“来”。否定式为“拉不下脸”。」. I know CEDICT usually doesn't include usage or grammar notes but this is so common (virtually all examples I've seen) I wonder if it doesn't make sense to add a note here. Or maybe a 拉下脸来 entry redirecting here?

v.o. 〈coll.〉
① pull a long face
② not spare sb.'s sensibilities
③ not care about one's face

1 look displeased; pull a long face; put on a stern expression
| 他听了这句话, 立刻拉下脸来。
| When he heard this, his expression immediately became stern.
not spare sb.'s sensibilities
| 拉不下脸
| be afraid of hurting sb.’s feelings
| 他办事大公无私, 对谁也能拉下脸来。
| He is perfectly fair and impartial and never tries to spare anybody’s feelings.

1. 不顾情面。
| 无论对谁,他都能〜来,秉公处理。
2. 露出不悦的神情;脸色难看。
| 一听说被惩戒,他立刻〜来。

1. 变脸色,露出不高兴的神情。如:「看到新的人事命令公告后,小陈立刻拉下脸来。」
2. 不顾面子。
| 《程乙本红楼梦.第六五回》:「贾珍也不承望三姐这等拉的下脸来。兄弟两个本是风流场中耍惯的,不想今日反被这个女孩儿一席话说的不能搭言。」

1 指不讲情面
| 对坏人坏事要敢于拉下脸来。
2 露出不愉快的神情
| 他一看到损坏公物的行为, 立刻就拉下脸来了。

拉下脸是一个汉语词语,读音是lāxià liǎn,是指不顾情面。也指露出不高兴的表情。

Israel's prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, is strong, but many feel he is unwilling to use his strength to face down the hardliners in his own camp.

前些日子,田守诚还对汪方亮说:“那时候,开除你党籍的决定显然是错误的,但我也不好反对,因为我和你私人关系过密。”汪方亮并不买账,立时拉下脸 来说:“胡扯!首先是原则。应该说的,就要说。什么私人关系不私人关系,我不承认和你有什么私人关系。”

我站身来说:谢谢你告诉我这件事,我要回家了。他说:别着急呀,现在还用得着你。你得去把奖领回来,还得出席一个招待会……我说:我哪里都不想去。那人就拉下脸 来说:合同上可有缔约双方保证合作的条款,你想毁约吗?我当然不想毁约,毁约也拿不回损失的东西,还要白白住监狱。

妇女们格外高兴,她们穿上节日的盛装,戴上红花,无限喜悦地互相道喜:庆贺自己彻底解放,庆贺自己开始了新的生活。我跟妈妈商量:“要不,您先在家歇着,您年纪大……”“看你说的!”妈妈拉下脸 来不高兴地说:“你们都跃进去了,把我留在家吗?建设也有我的份!”那几天,妈妈整天地东家走,西家串,逢人便宣传人民公社的好处和妇女参加工作的意义。

> "Wenlin gives xia (neutral) as the pronunciation and that's probably how most people would pronounce it"

I think I hear 4th tone here:

- - - - -

> /to pull a long face/to look displeased/

OK, that's fine for the 露出不愉快的神情 sense.

- - - - -

> /to not be afraid of hurting sb's feelings/to not be afraid of offending sb/

That's supposed to cover the 不讲情面 sense.

The problem I have with the proposed English definition is that both glosses express the same meaning, whereas there are in fact two different senses distinguished in the HDC definition. I'm referring to #1 and #2 below, which GF (like other dicts) combines into a single sense (不讲情面).

1. 不顾情面。
賈珍 也不承望 三姐兒 這等拉的下臉來。
2 不害羞, 不顾羞耻。
曹禺 《日出》第二幕
我拉下脸跟您说吧, 我的女人都跟我散了, 没有饭吃, 她一个人受不了这样的苦, 她跟人跑了。
3 指不高兴的表情。如:他听了这句话, 立刻拉下脸来。

In particular, HDC sense #2 is seen in examples such as the following:

a) 「紙風車要從實踐中去尋找未來的希望,」李永豐說,做下去的困難很多,但堅持下去的理由也很多;為此,紙風車的幾位大咖又得拉下臉來四處向人募款。
“Paper Windmill wants to find hope for the future via what it actually does,” says Lee. Looking ahead, the troupe sees many difficulties looming, but also plenty of reasons to press on. [the last bit was not translated but I'd say 拉下臉來四處向人募款 means they *put aside their pride* and went begging (sought funding in various quarters)]

b) 到七十年代末期,股市受到中東戰爭的影響一路狂跌,張次郎只好賣了手邊的五棟透天厝洋房,改營PIZZA店,但不受市場歡迎而失敗。時年四十八歲的張次郎,想應徵公車司機,又已超齡,到頭來邱寶珠提議夫妻倆到外頭擺小吃攤,但終究拉不下臉來,而有了小吃教學課程的想法。
"When the Taiwan market collapsed in 1990, Chang was forced to sell five multi-story properties he owned. He also started up a pizza business, which unfortunately failed. The 48-year-old Chang then planned to apply for a job as a bus driver, but discovered he was past the age limit. Chiu suggested that they open up a snack stall, but Chang felt that it would have been humiliating. Instead, he suggested teaching people to prepare snacks."
[i.e. 拉不下臉來 here is the negative of 拉下臉來 "to put aside one's pride"]

c) 说实话,他是爱你嘛,不爱你才不会开你玩笑呢,再说了,他一大男人的,拉不下脸吧,你多少给个台阶下啊。
"To be frank, he loves you. If he didn't love you, he wouldn't crack these jokes. What's more, he's a big fella, he's got his pride to consider. You need to give him a way out."
For this example, 拉不下脸 is glossed as "to be unable to take a hit to one's pride".

d) MoE's definition of 拉不下臉來:

3) ABC's 3rd sense "not care about one's face", which you quoted.

In summary, the GF definition 不讲情面 ("not spare sb's sensibilities") is best divided into two senses for an English definition:
1) (where "sb" is oneself) to not care about one's own sense of pride
2) (where "sb" is someone else) to not care about sb else's pride
# 拉下臉 拉下脸 [la1 xia4 lian3] /to pull a long face/to look displeased/to not be afraid of hurting sb's feelings/to not be afraid of offending sb/
+ 拉下臉 拉下脸 [la1 xia4 lian3] /to look displeased/to not be afraid of hurting sb's feelings/to put aside one's pride/
By MDBG 2024
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