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Change log entry 69903
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2020-06-29 13:54:05 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64839 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
v.o. torture
n. 〈wr.〉 severe punishment

1 severe punishment; heavy sentence
2 torture
VERB put to torture; torture

1. 旧时对受审者使用刑具。
| 不可私自~
| 正要~的当下,一道圣旨拯救了他。
2. 〈书〉重刑;极刑。
| 故善战者服~,连诸侯者次之(《孟子‧离娄上》)。

1. 重刑。
| 《书经.吕刑》:「上刑适轻,下服。」《孟子.离娄上》:「故善战者服上刑,连诸侯者次之。」
2. 用刑。
| 《老残游记.第一七回》:「话说老残看贾魏氏正要上刑,急忙抢上堂去喊了住手 。」

动 旧指对受审人使用刑具。

The thing they set most store by, of course, was the head and that's why Decapitation topped the list. Next in order of importance came the sex organs and therefore Castration and Removal of the Ovaries were set up as terrifying punishments too. But when you got down to Haircutting, you were at the very bottom of the list. And yet if you think about it a little more closely, who knows how many people have been trampled underfoot for an entire lifetime precisely because they had received that lightest of light punishments! (Lyell)
Judging by the criminal code, what counted most was naturally the head, so beheading was the worst punishment. Next in importance was the sexual organ, so castration and sterilization was another fearful punishment. As for having one's hair cut off, that hardly counted; but when you come to think of it, goodness knows how many people must have been downtrodden all their lives because they had shaved heads. (Yangs)
Look at their penal codes: decapitation saved for the most hideous crimes; removal of sexual organs next. Shaving the head was right at the bottom of the list of punishments. Though I suppose we'll never know how many lives have been ruined over with the present-day world. Lovells027

车夫看着左右无人,放低了声音说:"不是什么特使教咱们给杀了吗?姓崔的,还有一两千人都抓了进去;姓崔的掉了头!是他行的刺不是,谁可也说不上来。反正咱们的脑袋不值钱,随便砍吧!我日他奶奶的!"瑞宣明白了为什么这两天,狱中赶进来那么多人,也明白了他为什么没被审讯和上刑 。

瑞宣,平日自以为颇明白日本人,不敢再那么自信了。他想不清楚,日本人在什么事情上要一成不变,在哪里又随地变动;和日本人到底明白不明白中国人与中国事。对他自己被捕的这件事,他也一样的摸不清头脑。日本人为什么要捕他呢?为什么捕了来既不审问,又不上刑 呢?难道他们只是为教他来观光?不,不能!日本人不是最阴险,最诡秘,不愿教人家知道他们的暴行的吗?那么,为什么教他来看呢?

白氏,你好好想想,西门闹已经死了,金银财宝埋在地下也没有用,起出来,可以为我们合作社增添力量。不要怕,现在解放了,讲政策了,不会打你,更不会给你上刑 。你只要说出来,我保证给你记一大功。
+ 上刑 上刑 [shang4 xing2] /severe punishment/worst punishment/to torture/
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