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Change log entry 69881
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2020-06-27 13:53:52 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65756 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
f.e. may you die without sons/progeny

may you die sonless (or without sons); may you be the last of your line

| 他一贯昧着良心做~的事。

| 明.朱權《荊釵記.第四三齣》:「你再不娶親,我只愁你斷子絕孫誰拜墳。」

断绝后代, 没有子孙(常用于咒骂)。

> Doing her best to ignore him, the young nun lowered her head and kept on her way. Ah Q fell in step beside her. Suddenly he reached over and fondled the skin of her shaved head.
"Hey Baldy, better hurry on back—your monk's waitin' for ya," he said with an inane smile.
"What's gotten into you? Get your filthy paws off me!" Her face flushing scarlet, the nun hurried onward.
"May you never have a son, Ah Q!" He heard the sound of the nun's sobbing voice in the distance. (Lyell)
> The little nun paid not the least attention but walked on with lowered head. Ah Q stepped up to her and shot out a hand to rub her newly shaved scalp, then with a guffaw cried, “Baldhead! Go back quick, your monk's waiting for you. . . .”
“Who are you pawing? . . .” demanded the nun, flushing all over her face as she quickened her pace.
“Ah Q, may you die sonless!” wailed the little nun already some distance away. (Yangs)
> Ignoring him, the young nun carried on her way, head bowed. Moving closer still, Ah-Q reached out to rub her shaved scalp.
'Bald as a coot!” he laughed moronically. 'Run back home to your lover-monk!”
'How dare you ...” the nun protested, her face flushed scarlet, trying to escape.
'May you die without descendants, Ah-Q!” the nun could be heard sobbing, as she fled. (Lovell)

(...) and set Ah Q to thinking, "That's right, oughta have a woman! If I die with no son, who's gonna sacrifice a bowl of rice now and then for my ghost to eat? Yeah, gotta get me a woman!" (Lyell)
(...) and he thought, “Quite right, I should take a wife; for if a man dies sonless he has no one to sacrifice a bowl of rice to his spirit.... I ought to have a wife.” (Yangs)
'She's quite right,' he thought to himself. 'I ought to have a woman. (Lovell)

被人拿刀子逼住,这无疑是种生活。我苦笑着环顾四周,说道:小姐们,你们搞错了,我的内裤对你们毫无用处——你们谁也穿不上的。除非两个人穿一条内裤——我看你们也没穷到这个份上。你们应该去劫那位大婶的内裤。结果是刀尖扎了我一下,戳我的女孩说道:少废话,快点脱;迟了让你断子绝孙 ——好像我很怕断子绝孙似的。

窦平说:“你们才两个,我们人无数。同我们作对,没好结果的。以后,邵化他们要你们打小报告,就说一切没问题。井水不犯河水。不然,叫你们爹妈断子绝孙 。”

杜大爷对着大门吐了一口唾沫,低声骂道:“麻子,你断子绝孙!”我说:“好啊,你竟敢骂我麻叔!”杜大爷说:“我骂他了,我就骂他了,麻子你断子绝孙 ,不得好死!怎么着,你告诉他去吧!”

黑脸老婆也骂着:“坏良心,叫她永远断子绝孙 !”
+ 斷子絕孫 断子绝孙 [duan4 zi3 jue2 sun1] /to die without progeny/(offensive) may you die childless/may you be the last of your family line/
By MDBG 2024
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