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Change log entry 69866
Processed by: richwarm (2020-06-27 00:11:31 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65214 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
not sure if this is more Tw specific or not.. but i keep hearing it in Tw..

LA: 述說;說教。例 「嘴巴念個不停」、「媽媽念你是為了你好」。

Editor: Possibly it should be labeled "coll."

- 而除了袜子乱丢外,他也透露,自己吃完饭没有马上洗碗的习惯,经常把碗饭在水槽,老婆每次看到都会忍不住念他一顿。

- 其实,我一直来都不喜欢做低头族。每次我看到祥全神贯注地玩着手机,对周遭不闻不问的时候,我都会忍不住念他一顿。

- 我知道妈妈的性格,十分脆弱,哭也是正常的。我看着呆看电视的爸爸,真想“念”他一顿,想想他是老子,我是儿子,我“实力”又不敌他,算了。我开始劝他,去和妈妈道个歉,算了吧。可他一言不发。

- 两人仅仅是单纯的酒后口角。对于发生这样的事,李亚萍表示,不论为何发生口角,儿子先动手就是不对,等余祥铨回家,绝对会好好念他一顿。
- 念 念 [nian4] /to read/to study (a subject)/to attend (a school)/to read aloud/to miss (sb)/idea/remembrance/twenty (banker's anti-fraud numeral corresponding to 廿, 20)/
# + 念 念 [nian4] /to read/to study (a subject)/to attend (a school)/to read aloud/to miss (sb)/to preach (eg. parent to a child)/idea/remembrance/twenty (banker's anti-fraud numeral corresponding to 廿, 20)/
+ 念 念 [nian4] /to read/to study (a subject)/to attend (a school)/to read aloud/to give (sb) a tongue-lashing (CL:頓|顿[dun4])/to miss (sb)/idea/remembrance/twenty (banker's anti-fraud numeral corresponding to 廿[nian4])/
By MDBG 2024
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