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Change log entry 69865
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2020-06-26 14:59:26 GMT)
Comment: Editor: 裡
ps: wording as per Rich's suggestion
- 肉爛在鍋裏 肉烂在锅里 [rou4 lan4 zai4 guo1 li3] /lit. the meat falls apart as it stews, but it all stays in the pot (idiom)/fig. some of us may lose or gain, but in any case the benefits don't go to outsiders/
+ 肉爛在鍋裡 肉烂在锅里 [rou4 lan4 zai4 guo1 li3] /lit. the meat falls apart as it stews, but it all stays in the pot (idiom)/fig. some of us may lose or gain, but in any case the benefits don't go to outsiders/
By MDBG 2024
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