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Change log entry 69843
Processed by: richwarm (2020-06-24 01:33:47 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65322 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* Following GF over ABC where the definitions differ.

①〈trad.〉 official charged with checking on public opinion
② storyteller

[in the definition for 稗官野史]

| 《汉书.卷三○.艺文志》:「小说家者流,盖出于稗官。」
| 三国魏.如淳.注:「王者欲知闾巷风俗,故立稗官使称说之。」
| 唐.颜师古.注:「稗官,小官。」

名 <文> 古代专给帝王讲述街谈巷议、风土人情的小官。后也作为小说或小说家的代称。

小官。小说家出于稗官, 后因称野史小说为稗官。
| 茅盾《你往哪里跑》:英雄狐鼠诸般相, 付与稗官一卷收。

Editor: I'm removing "talk of the town".

"talk of the town" means "a person or thing that many people in a town, city, etc., are talking about in an interested or excited way"

It doesn't mean "the things that people in town are saying" (which is what GF's 街谈巷议 means).
# 稗官 稗官 [bai4 guan1] /petty official charged with reporting the talk of town back to the ruler (old)/fiction writer/novelist/
- 稗官 稗官 [bai4 guan1] /petty official charged with reporting the talk of town back to the ruler (old)/novel in the vernacular/fiction writer/novelist/
+ 稗官 稗官 [bai4 guan1] /petty official charged with reporting back to the ruler on what people in a locality are talking about (old)/novel in the vernacular/fiction writer/novelist/
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