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Change log entry 69816
Processed by: richwarm (2020-06-22 01:31:42 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64214 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
replay a chess game (by restoring pieces and moves in order to appraise the tactics of the players)
| 他通过复盘给我讲解下棋策略。
| He explains the tactics of chess to me by replaying the original situations of the chessboard.
(of stockmarket) resume business

1. 棋类术语。对局结束后,还原棋局,重新演练,以检视对局中的优劣得失。也作「复局」。
| ~有助提高棋艺。
| 2. 指股票重新挂牌,恢复盘中交易。

动 指下棋结束后, 按原先的下法重摆棋子, 以研究对局过程中的得失。

He explains the tactics of chess to me by replaying the original situations of the chessboard.

擔任佛乘盃比賽裁判長的丁逸仙表示,作為棋手,光憑天分是不夠的,需要更進一步做專業的探討,「貴為棋王,吳貴臨每天必作功課,每下完一盤棋,立刻復盤,每天專研前人棋 譜,針對對手棋路模擬作戰,保持身心最佳狀態,」丁逸仙說,職業選手需要無後顧之憂的生活條件。
According to Ding Yat-sen, who serves as the head referee at the Forshang Cup competitions, a player cannot rely on talent alone. One must work hard to deepen one's mastery of the game. Says Ding, "Even though Wu Kui-lin is already the champion, he never goes a day without studying the game, and as soon as he finishes a game he immediately begins to examine and analyze it. Every day he studies records of games played in the past, thinking about how he would play against different opponents. He always works to keep himself in top condition, both mentally and physically." A professional player must be independently wealthy to maintain this kind of training regimen.

Trading in its shares was suspended on Thursday morning, but the firm has applied to have them resume from 0630 GMT.

Wall Street retreated last week and resumed the selloff Tuesday. All financial markets were closed Monday for Presidents Day.

Editor: 比賽一結束,不論輸、贏,立刻和和氣氣復盤,檢討剛才的棋著。
# 復盤 复盘 [fu4 pan2] /(Chinese chess) to place the pieces back on the original places and replay the game in order to analyze it/(stock market) to resume trading/
+ 復盤 复盘 [fu4 pan2] /(after completing a game of chess) to replay the game, analyzing the players' moves/(stock market) to resume trading/
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